Mount Gessi at 4715m
This peak is also named after Romulo Gessi (1831 to 1881) who was also an Italian explorer of the source of the Nile. In 1774, he made a go round of Lake Albert to the north of the Rwenzori but did not see the mountains. For the many years he was a governor of the Bhar- El- Ghazal province of the Egyptian Sudan, but after was recalled in 1881 by the Egyptian government. Many people in his party died en route to Egypt and he himself died shortly after his arrival to Egypt.
Mt Gessi is also located to the north of Bigo Hut and can also be reached by ascending the Muhusa valley. There are also two summits ie Lolanda at 4,715 m and Bottego at 4699m in the north. The first hike to the peak was made by the Duke of Abruzzi J, Petgax, L. Petigax and C, Olilier on July 1906. The climb route that was used by the Duke has already melted out though and is now a series of horribly over grown steep slabs and is no so recommended. The normal route is to climb up the Mugusu valley through the beautiful Groundsel forests to Roccati pass, where it is easy to turn south east and hike through the thick brush and steep slabs and finally reach the ridge between the two peaks. The gglaciers have also melted from this once ice covered massif.